Wildlife tourism

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**Negative Impacts of Wildlife Tourism:**
Wildlife disturbance and habitat disruption.
– Negative effects on breeding and feeding patterns.
– Disruption of parent-offspring bonds.
– Increased vulnerability to predators and competitors.
– Impact on wildlife behavior and health due to close proximity with tourists.

**Positive Impacts of Wildlife Tourism:**
– Contribution to conservation efforts.
– Economic benefits for local communities.
– Habitat restoration and preservation.
Conservation breeding programs for endangered species.
– Financial donations supporting conservation projects.

**Conservation Efforts in Wildlife Tourism:**
– Establishment of protected areas.
– Community involvement in conservation.
Anti-poaching measures.
Wildlife rehabilitation programs.
– Implementation of sustainable tourism practices.

**Economic Aspects of Wildlife Tourism:**
– Revenue generation.
– Job creation.
– Development of tourism infrastructure.
– Economic incentives for conservation.
– Local community benefits from tourism.

**Ethical Considerations in Wildlife Tourism:**
– Animal welfare.
– Responsible tourist behavior.
– Respect for wildlife habitats.
– Cultural sensitivity.
– Promotion of ethical wildlife interactions.

**Research and Publications in Wildlife Tourism:**
– Studies on wildlife tourism impacts.
– Evaluation of conservation strategies.
– Development of ethical guidelines.
– Public awareness campaigns.
– Scientific publications on wildlife-human interactions.

Wildlife tourism (Wikipedia)

Wildlife tourism is an element of many nations' travel industry centered around observation and interaction with local animal and plant life in their natural habitats. While it can include eco- and animal-friendly tourism, safari hunting and similar high-intervention activities also fall under the umbrella of wildlife tourism. Wildlife tourism, in its simplest sense, is interacting with wild animals in their natural habitat, either actively (e.g. hunting/collection) or passively (e.g. watching/photography). Wildlife tourism is an important part of the tourism industries in many countries including many African and South American countries, Australia, India, Canada, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Sri Lanka and Maldives among many. It has experienced a dramatic and rapid growth in recent years worldwide and many elements are closely aligned to eco-tourism and sustainable tourism.

Animals can be viewed in their native or similar environments, from vehicles or on foot. This elephant isHwange National Park, Zimbabwe, was quite undisturbed by the people and vehicle.
Elephant safari after the One-horned Rhinoceros in Royal Chitwan National Park, Manali

According to United Nations World Tourism Organization, with an annual growth about 3%, 7% of world tourism industry relates to wildlife tourism. They also estimate that the growth is much more significant in places like UNESCO World Heritage Sites. Wildlife tourism currently employs 22 million people worldwide directly or indirectly, and contributes more than $ 120 billion to global GDP. As a multimillion-dollar international industry, wildlife tourism is often characterized by the offering of customized tour packages and safaris to allow close access to wildlife.

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