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**Geotourism Definition and Importance:**

– Geotourism is the study of geological and geomorphological features.
– It is abiotic nature-based tourism that integrates the tourism industry with the conservation of abiotic nature attributes.
– Geotourism promotes tourism to geosites and emphasizes the importance of geology in tourism.
– Geotourism complements ecotourism by focusing on geological features and landforms.
– It is a knowledge-based tourism that promotes Earth sciences and is growing globally through geoparks and independent initiatives.

**Geotourism vs. Ecotourism:**

– Geotourism is geodiversity-centered while ecotourism is biodiversity-centered.
– Geotourism focuses on abiotic nature and geological heritage interpretation, involving stakeholders like local people, geo-visitors, and travel agencies.
– It emphasizes environmental protection, sustainability, and marketing strategies for sustainable benefits for the environment and local community.

**Geosites and Geodiversity:**

– Geosites are locations with geological or geomorphological significance, determined through an audit, assessment, and selection process.
– They play a crucial role in promoting geotourism and geoconservation, facing threats that need conservation.
– Geodiversity encompasses earth materials, forms, and processes shaping the Earth, linked to geoconservation efforts and highlighting the importance of conserving geological diversity.

**Geotourism Literature:**

– Various books and journals focus on geotourism, geoheritage, and geodiversity, providing insights into the development, principles, and marketing of geotourism.
– Titles like ‘Geotourism’ (2006), ‘Global Geotourism Perspectives’ (2010), and ‘Geoheritage Journal’ (2012) offer in-depth exploration of geotourism concepts and practices.

**Geotourism Industry and Concepts:**

– The geotourism industry in the 21st century is evolving with a futuristic approach, examining tools for sustainable development and marketing strategies.
– Concepts like ‘3Gs for Modern Geotourism,’ ‘Space and Celestial Geotourism,’ and ‘Aerial Geotourism’ explore innovative approaches to promoting geoconservation and sustainable tourism development.

Geotourism (Wikipedia)

Geotourism is tourism associated with geological attractions and destinations. Geotourism (tourism with a geological base) deals with the abiotic natural and built environments. Geotourism was first defined in England by Thomas Alfred Hose in 1995.

Geological sustainable tourism aims to conserve and promote a place as a geosite, such as the Iguazu Falls in South America
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