Drinking water

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**Sources of Drinking Water:**
– Potable water is widely available globally.
– Sources include springs, aquifers, rainwater, surface water, and desalinated seawater.
– Water must meet quality standards for safe consumption.
– Springs are commonly used for bottled water.
– Experimental sources like atmospheric water generators exist.

**Supply and Distribution of Drinking Water:**
– Efficiently transported through pipes.
– Plumbing for water supply requires significant capital investment.
– Replacement costs for deteriorating infrastructure can reach $200 billion annually.
– Leakage reduces access to water.
– Tap water is delivered through domestic water systems.

**Quantity and Usage of Drinking Water:**
– In the U.S., per capita home water consumption is 69.3 US gallons per day.
– Only 1% of public water supply is used for drinking and cooking.
– American households use an average of 300 gallons daily.
– Water usage includes toilets, washing machines, showers, and faucets.
– Total renewable water resources per capita must be managed effectively.

**Quality and Standards of Drinking Water:**
– Safe drinking water poses no significant health risk over a lifetime.
– Finland has the best drinking water quality.
– Monitoring parameters include microbiological, chemical, and physical factors.
– Microbiological parameters include coliform bacteria, E. coli, and viruses.
– Chemical parameters include heavy metals, organic compounds, and pesticides.

**Regulations, Compliance, and Health Impacts:**
– Government agencies regulate water quality.
– Legal requirements ensure compliance.
– Enforcement mechanisms exist.
– Health impacts of poor water quality include waterborne diseases and long-term effects.
– Vulnerable populations are at higher risk.

Drinking water (Wikipedia)

Drinking water or potable water is water that is safe for ingestion, either when drunk directly in liquid form or consumed indirectly through food preparation. It is often (but not always) supplied through taps, in which case it is also called tap water. Typically in developed countries, tap water meets drinking water quality standards, even though only a small proportion is actually consumed or used in food preparation. Other typical uses for tap water include washing, toilets, and irrigation. Greywater may also be used for toilets or irrigation. Its use for irrigation however may be associated with risks.

Drinking water that is supplied through a tap (tap water).

The amount of drinking water required to maintain good health varies, and depends on physical activity level, age, health-related issues, and environmental conditions. For those who work in a hot climate, up to 16 litres (4.2 US gal) a day may be required.

Globally, by 2015, 89% of people had access to water from a source that is suitable for drinking – called improved water sources. In sub-Saharan Africa, access to potable water ranged from 40% to 80% of the population. Nearly 4.2 billion people worldwide had access to tap water, while another 2.4 billion had access to wells or public taps. The World Health Organization considers access to safe drinking-water a basic human right.

About 1 to 2 billion people lack safe drinking water. Water can carry vectors of disease. More people die from unsafe water than from war, then-U.N. secretary-general Ban Ki-moon said in 2010. Developing countries are most affected by unsafe drinking water.

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